About Us
The Friends of the Warwick Public Library is a member-supported, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that assists the library in its work as an important educational, cultural, and recreation center in our community.
The Friends sponsor concerts, story-times, movies, museum passes, and summer reading as well as assisting with purchases and projects. The Friends raise funds through two bi-annual book sales and through individual, family, and patron memberships. We encourage you to join us as a member to help keep our library active and strong. |
Board of Directors
President: Cheryl Cotter
Vice President: Michael Kanelos Treasurer: Loretta Furtado Recording Secretary: Diane Kanelos Corresponding Secretary/ Newsletter Chair: Jayne Berghorn Membership Chair: Maureen Wishart Past President: David Dupere |
Board Members: Cathryn Collins
Heidi Showstead Ellen O'Brien Auxiliary Board Members: Cheryl Gould Sandra Hartley Evelyn O'Hearn Stacey Popules Library Director: Aaron Coutu |